Toby in the Lockdown and having fun as Spring has sprung....

  • Toby well my dearest Jack Russell takes naps and stay at home very seriously.
  • He is very well adjusted to the recent Covid19 Lockdown 
  • or Stay at home called here in Canada.
  • He is a fighter and a globe trotter anyways so these situations aren't new to dear Tobs.
  • He loves snuggling under the covers,
  •  and sleeping in on rainy days like today and doesn't' want to go out
  • if it rains because it wets his paws and he doesn't like it very much.

  • Toby is a very stubborn,opinionated JRT and he has a mind of his own.
  • Even though I can still try to assert I am his boss..
  • Utltimately he is the "Boss of the House".
  • He rules the House rountines,the comings and goings,
  • and guests are screened with his nose security.
  • No hand washing not allowed into the house.It's Toby's rules!!!

  • We meet his Girlfriend a two year old Shitzu sometimes,
  • when we go down from or apartment for a walk.
  • So Tobs says mom it's ok,alteast we meet her even if she can't visit us at home.
  • Toby says "Stay Home...Stay Safe....Canada"..


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