
well..tat was a kinda whirlwind vacation..
and of dears....
I enjoyed every bit of it..espl..
the company of my wonderful grandparents....
who dote on me and have blessed.....
me tat i wud get a handsome..guy.....with money,power..and many other things..
and most importantly a guy who would worship the ground i walk...on...
to marry oh so :)
aaaaaah..well..thats another story...dears!!!! lol...
now that am a little wiser..than before...
I am back on track and going full steam ahead...
and focussing on my career..and my lovely family..
Who stood by me in my sad..times..
and gave me strenght and the will to go on...
and picking up on my life..
which i left oh so many moons..ago..
just for a asshole..a jerk who..
was the most insensitive..two timing..freak on earth!!!
I don't need a bloody guy to keep me no... much happier now..being single...
I dont need to get into relationships..
where..i get hurt..
Which we all.. eventually do ...
cos..we all are the gr8 believers of the "True Love" Brigade..
and all that hogwash...
ummmmmm..and now tat i have been three..times..unlucky..
or should i call myself..Lucky? depends..on my perception of luck..
Well..alteast i didnt lower my standards..
for a jerk..who thinks..he is Sachin or Dhoni incarnate..
Alteast i didnt compramise my values..for someone..
who doesn't respect me..
Some one who wanted to dominate me and my feelings...
When i was true..and that significant other..
had no such commitment..
Guys..are all..jerks...gals..
Except your Dad and your Brothers........and oh well..
well..a few of my best friends..are guys..and they rock..too..
but then the rest of the male species..are a load of crap...
ok..not all the rest....are crap...
i take back the statement..
cos a lot of my guy upset..with me..hehehe..
so i say some guys...are...shit..and the rest..are not
There are many sensitive..and wonderful the world...
and sorry baby you are not gonna have the fortune to get to meet them..
And more thing...
you just gotta..grow..up and smell..the roses..and beware of the thorns..
Wat say?????????????????


Prince K. said…
You guys are from where? And welcome to blogging....
Oh, and I am a south indian residing in Calcutta, WB, India...... HEHE
Abhishek Shroff said…
Hey Doc...have always had the utmost respect for you...and i dont know why, today it has gone up a lil more higher...i usually hate sympathising with people...dont give even a second thought to that jerk, he just does not deserve you...forget bout him and move on...but please dont hate all guys...not everyone is like that
nila said…
yayayaa...ok..ur also a guy..and well..i don't :)
Anonymous said…
hey thats some truth you have written there about guys!! dont trust any guy!..not that they are all worthless but usually its hard to find them being true towards you.. cheers!!
nila said…
true..and well..said..gayatri..
hey akka.. all guys rnt the same.. not all good.. nor all bad. but that guy dnt deseved a girl like u.. just move on.. al the best!
hey nila..
cud see wit hw much fury u hve written t blog..
jus forget the ditcher..
he was unlucky...not U...
ya..guys r sick!!
nila said…
Right on..sis.. :)
Anonymous said…
@ gayathri.. i wil tel u something.. usually guys wil be adviced as follows..

" Never allow any gal to talk more abt u, then she wil make u talk alone "

guys hav always been worse.. i accept but dat s only a few.. gals ?? who were good are not nowadays.. they are even worse than guys !!

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