Toby Baby has changed us...

I had been aching to have a dog ever since I took care of good old Toby...
Well the elder one who was 14 years old.He was a sweetheart little dog who walked into our hearts and moved in so to speak into our home at Camden.

Long story short sometime around our Anniversary in September last year,
Ganesh finally agreed to search for a dog,well it was just search at first....
But then I was too excited that he even agreed to think about it...
I couldn't sleep,I started thinking of dog breeds and researching where to get a dog.
We even asked Kathy for a few tips...

On our Anniversary 2nd September,after watching a movie in AMC,
we stopped by a pet store and enquired about Pet Adoptions,unfortunately since it was a Wednesday there weren't any adoptions that day...
But then we decided to come back on Saturday..

So on one fine Saturday morning,we got up and
began our search for our little ball of Fluff!!!
We first started with the local ASPCA in Lake Mary,
we so so many dogs,looking sadly through their cages....and our hearts melted...
But then most of the dogs were too big for our apartment.
So we decided to look in more places...
We went to four more shelters...but still couldn't find our puppy...
By then it was late afternoon and we hadn't had lunch,so we wanted to give up and go home.

One last time let's try one last time my heart said,and then we drove back to the same pet store we went on Wednesday....hoping something may work out there....

We drove to Casselberry Petsmart,Praying to god that we find our dream dog.
Walking in,we saw little dogs small size and big ones,most importantly we saw our little lovely dog..Toby who was then called Hamlet.

A adorable JRT who was pawing the cage that he was in...
We decided to ask the handler to let us take him for a walk,to get to know him.
Ganesh and me took Hamlet for a walk...and fell in love with him..

He was just perfect for our family,small,cute and manageable...
I was still thinking about it,then ganesh came and said yes...I was shocked...
Well then started filling the papers,and got his vaccinations records,paid up for him.
Shopped for collar,and food..and we were ready to take our Toby home...
Wohoooooo..We got a dog...

We never expected him to change our lives so much...
Our entire schedule runs around him,our shopping trips are shortened...
Our purses are bit empty but our hearts are full..
We feel complete...with his Love...
Our Family is Complete..well at least for now...


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