Posting myself to the postbox...

Well here I am again...after a few months.
Nothing much has happened over these three months,since April..
Except that spring is over and Summer is marching on..
Well we passed this Summer Soliastic
which meant it was officially Summerrrrrrrrrrr!!!

Oh'd too hot to go out or to be inside without the Ac,
Ummm well it's fun to have the sun shining well.
And God's warmth spreading all over the beautiful earth....

I have started falling and spraining myself and am 
trying to post myself to India thru the postbox at Camden.
Ohhhh...that had been fun till I started hurting my legs and ankles...

It's been hurting my ankles ever since I fell down from the apartment staircase
In mid June...Ever since that time,my ankles never really healed...
But then I guess......
That some way I wanted to post myself to my dearest Mom.

So it's become a family joke,that I fell near the Post box,
making Ganesh think that I want to go through
 USPS Sorting facility...aha hahahaha ...
Imagine,how much postage I would cost him to ship me to India!!!
That's the funny side of life...
Though it isn't funny trying to fit into a postbox....


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