That Helpless...Feeling

"Realizes that maybe its not the letting go that tears you apart. It's the holding on. It's not the forgetting, it's the remembering."

Have you ever had the feeling that you are trapped in a rut...and life is
not moving at your pace...You are forced into circumstances and you
just aren't allowed to lead your own life..Your family forces you to accept
things that they want...How many times have you said yes to everyone...
Done things for people..and never once Someone has done something for you....
When was the last time something nice happened in your life....?
For me,that has been ages ago....Life hasn't been very kind to me...
Neither have people around me..Everyone just wants their own agenda...
People are selfish and mean....No one cares for my feelings or happiness..
I just have to keep on giving and not receive any appreciation in return.....
I hate it that I am alone and I have no one to call my own...
Maybe thats why my family takes me for granted....and hurts me...a lot
It is today that I realise the mistakes I have made in the past that
are holding me back today....And preventing me from moving on...
It's this helpless feeling that makes me want to die.....
I feel trapped in my situations and life is just going on...
Life is a painful reminder for the past and I have no hope for the future....


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