One Month Up in 2011...

One month..a whole one month has gone by in this new year...
and already the year seems
to be a old one..
as the charm of the new year has gone by and things have moved on...
Atleast I seem to have moved on...
I broke up with someone who I felt I was meant to be,
when I realised he was not making a commitment to me...
Men what happens to them when,
We say marriage....They scoot...
The best way to get rid of a guy is to either say you want to
get married or say I think I might be pregnant...
nothing makes them run faster than a scared deer.
They run with their tail between their legs...
aka in this case its their so called manhood...which isn't
much to talk about as many of them aren't men...
Men are always scared of commitment.......
Just scaredy cats,who are ultimately going to break your heart.....
In my career,too I seem to have moved on..
I recently completed 3 years in ICICI,which is a great achievement
in itself,considering the fact three years ago,
I never even knew to use a cheque all I talk about is
about balances and fixed deposits...
A dentist making such a turn around and speaking like a business person...
thats a great change in pace...
At present life seems to be moving on...with it's own pace.....
Live and let live...seems to be my motto at the moment...
as I realised letting go is the strongest thing I have done..
because it takes lot of courage to do so.....


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