Many things in life hurt...

In Life...many things are just not meant to be...
like the fact that I may never have a "love marriage",
as I envisioned since I was a little girl..
Maybe such things are really where they belong fairy tales are someone else's life...

I will never get such a handsome
prince charming and never have someone to sweep me off my feet...
it seems it's just going to be old me...f
or sometime now,and I will be
married off to a older man maybe 40 year old...
just because my parent's feel that
guy is the best they can get for me at this age....
It hurts that in the 21st century...
I have no choice in my life partner and I should be
forced to marry whomsoever my parent's find fit....

This is the worst turn my life can take...
Oh wait my life was wasted the moment he walked into my life...
and yeah then I dumped him cos he couldn't commit to marriage...
Some men are such bas?*$*$*$ds because,all is ok when you are
dating and roaming the streets of chennai...
when it comes to marriage they run for the hills....

gosh men are such wasters....either after your money or your body....
actually someone,as senior told me in college...
yeah right...roam have fun and date guys
but never ever say I love you to a guy...
it just complicates your life...and you know what she was right....
I guess I have learnt it the hardest way.....


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