What a Wonderful Diwali

Diwali enthralled me with the charm of the festival season...
and made me thank god for his blessings...
and I expressed gratitude for all I had..
I spent yet another Diwali with my parents...still single and going strong...
Life has been a series of ups and down since every diwali...
People who were there with me last Diwali are no more part of my life....
New friends and new accquaintances are here...with me today....
And I have seemed to leave my sad sorry self...at last Diwali...
I spent the day with mom at Express Avenue Mall..
drinking lots of cuppa of coffee and buying shoes and new dresses....
in short spent a lot of quality time with mom...
and apart from that spent a lot of moolah...
People say the 1crore is the new 1lakh....
and the new Indian generation is earning well...
and since cos of that, has lots to spend...
as we are moving forward every year with a younger
Indian and a Wealthier India......
I seem to also be part of the Dream....of a Powerful and Stronger India...
I hope that our dreams come true...


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