Diwali...Awaiting...the Festival

Diwali...aaaaaaaah Deepavali...
The very name of the festival brings up sweet memories of childhood...
the early morning....oil baths and the prayers before sunrise....
the wonderful mutton curry.....and the trip to the neaby temple...
Nowadays...we have forgotten all that it seems...
Cos in our lives we have moved away from family and friends...
and Diwali seems to have no importance in our fast-paced lives....
Actually DiwalI should today hold more relavance in our already stressed lives...
It teaches the need for sharing for the less fortunate and the need to strengthen
family bonds and spend some quality time with family members in case...
we have forgotten to do so..in this techno savvy world of ours...
DIWALI shows the joy of giving to a poor person...or the people who don't
have so much as we have....Just give a 200 rupees to a person for diwali for
sweets and you will feel warm inside for the good deed...done...
Express gratitude for your family members,and friends as they will be there
always for you in time of need,even if you have no money or no hi-fi job....
Care for the elderly and the closest and dear people in your life...
Cos you know tomorrow never comes and we never know what will happen
in the next minute.....
So Savour the Festive Season...and Experience the Joy of Giving and Sharing....
Experience the joy of Family and Friends.....
Experience the Spirit of Diwali....


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