Endhiran..Hype or just plain entertainment

Endhiran..hmm,Rajini ....the ultimate hero and the superb entertainer...
how can i explain the movie in words....or a little paragraph??

Hmm...I have finally seen the movie and WOW is only one word that comes to
my mind..
I don't want to sound a Rajni Bhakt and say Superstar and all...
thats cos I am not a Rajni fan...
but yes I love his movies...and his styles...

ENDHIRAN...outclasses all his earlier movies..and yes has finally
made me submit to be his fan...

Entertainment means that you should fully go
and enjoy yourself and forget all your troubles for those 3 hours
that the silverscreen entralls you
and thats what draws us to the movies..
the larger than life precense and the stories
that the directors weave...
which are much better than our boring everyday lives......

The movie is all about Robotics and Artificial Intelligence..
which may one day
become a reality seeing the way technology and computers are progressing...
We may even have Robo Clones of ourselves in the near future....

The most successful mission the movie has achieved is the
the movie has made us think ...
how much we are destructing the delicate
balance of Mother Nature...and trying to outwit her...
and in turn already
making fools of ourselves..........

Nature is a balanced environment and has a reason for everything.....
If we as Humans try to play with that ..like in the movie...Things will and
have already taken a deadly turn...

Endhiran brilliantly portrays the tussle between Man and Machine...
and plays on the the part that ultimately the Ego of the man...makes him
destroy his own creation...just because the Machine aka Chitti Robo
starts malfunctioning..and killing people...
But who programs the machines...Its Man himself...

See...Computers only work on our commands...and what we feed into them...
is what we get...then how can a Robot be responsible for something we have
ourselves told it to do...
Oh well..The Movie has made me enjoy the whole experience of
watching a picture with my family...and it gave me an"ALICE IN WONDERLAND"
Experience that I will not forget for times to come...
Hail Rajni!!!!!!!!!!!


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