Love hurts....

Love began when you smiled at me..
Love began so suddenly...
It hurts that you avoid me some days..
Its hurts so much that my heart pains...
Is it that you pretend I don't exist or is it..
that you plan to avoid me..
I miss you so much,Is it not clear to you..
I love you so much Is it not known to you...

It hurts when you leave me alone...
It hurts so much that my heart pains...
Is it that you act as if you don't know..
When all is known to you...
Is it that you hide your feelings so much..
that It is evident to me...
I miss you so much...Is it not clear to you...
I love you so much,Is it not known to you...

Silences often start love stories...
Sometimes...things are left unsaid...
But the eyes can catch the truth....
Your silence is made my world...sad...
My eyes are welled with tears...
It hurts me when you don't respond to me..
Not even hearing what I say...
I miss you so much,Is it not clear to you...
I love you so much,Is it not known to you...


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