It's not hard to be a friend..

Its not hard to be a friend..
a single smile,a hello,a helping hand..
I have found such friendship in so many people...
Many of them are still friends...
but I choose you..
You will have my "Closest" and "Bestest" Friend...title...
Cos your smile brightens my day..
Its the "Good Morning" that brightens my mornings...
I am not joking..
Its not that I don't hear wishes since I get up...
But it's your wish thats seems special...
You say that you are no use to me..
But why should I only look for gain
in friendship..
It's the companionship that I love..
The secret jokes,the lovely names....
the help rendered that without asking..

Thats the wonderful friendship I share...
After a hard day at work..simply talking to you
is a's like you and me against the whole world..
Thats why I choose you...


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