Why a Girl and a Guy can't ever be friends...

It's an universally accepted fact..
that a Guy and Girl can't ever be friends...
I totally agree to that...
I mean..don't get me wrong..
I have a few guy friends..
and they are wonderful..
They are there as and when I need them...
ready to help me in any time of need...
They are the 3am guys who I can rely on..
I haven't fallen for any of those guys..
come on they are friend's right...???

But there are special someone's who,
you would rather be more than a friend...
Such special persons come once in a lifetime..
and wish the "Friendship" word didn't
come between you both so often..
When you wished it was something else....
Love sometimes begins in such friendships....
As someone said that day..
You seem to be clear about the friendship...
and are interacting in a normal friendly way...
But somewhere your friend seems
to be unclear about your relationship...

Thats when I sat down and began to realise,
 the gravity of the situation at hand..
I mean we decided nothing can be between us...
let it be cultural or many other
barriers...let alone us being totally compatiable..
I mean compatability in short,
 means that we love being with each other..
I mean we are like very good friends..
that we interact as friends do..
We laugh,We support each other..We worry for each other...
Though we don't have anything in common at our places...
but deep down we know,
that the reality is something else...
You can't seem to decide can't you....

Oh....How can a Guy and a girl ever be friends.....
Cos ultimately one of them falls for the other in the long term,
and such things can't be reversed....and how can you say these...
I am not saying I have fallen...
this is somewhat an hypothetical entry..
How can things be accepted without harming the wonderful friendship you share???????????


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