A New Day...A New Year..Has come!!!

2K10..hmm...the year has finally begun..and it began with what style..
Life is the very same..yet it feels different...
New Hopes..New Dreams..and New Plans...
Hope that this year gives me enough good times and good memories..to go along..
I hope to make new friends,and keep the old one's close to my heart..
You can't forget the old people who supported you,just because new people have
entered your life...

My Resolutions for 2k10...
1.Not to work too hard...Whenever possible...
2.To try hard on relationships,to make them work...
3.To maintain a healthy lifestyle...
4.To take enough breaks as and when I need it..
5.To focus on my career...
6.To finally make a decision on my long term goals...
7.Not to fight on frivilous matters with friends...after all life is short...
8.To Enjoy all the perks of my Single life...till I am ahem Single..
9.To make someone smile everyday..
10.To respect and honour my Parents more...

Well thats all attainable ....
lets see..at the end of the year...


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