Wat to do when someone dumps you??

Hai all you guys...
out there...what do you do when it's a girl dumps you..
and it's not you who dumped her..???
Seee i am writing from a female point of view...so i may not be totally correct abt the facts....But then i have tried to input my wisdom... :)
DO you sit and mope around and become a total recluse to the world...
And just want to be a Devdas...drinking and forgetiin all ur troubles..
when in turn you are not...actually doing that..?? not forgettin her...only increasin the pain to ur mind and soul...by drinkin...and wastin ur self...
which in turn makes you a victim of sorts...and it makes the person who left...you a winner...for wreacking your life!!!!!!!!
You are ruining your life by running after someone who's not worthy of your time or even your respect...I mean sure you musta thought that she's the Angel and so on and so forth...
But then phoooooooof!!!! one day..she walks aways..coz some NRI Relative decided to drop in from Canada...or States...and you are left wondering wat the hell..is wrong with the world??????????
Well to be frank............
I have seen my close guy friends...in the situation when a girl left them for some Atthai Paiyan...or some guy who has a toyota Camry..
It's then when i feel sad...
I mean come on Dudes...
there is more to life than just sorrowing abt spiiled milk....
and crying over what was never yours to be..
You live only once so..dont waste it ...crying all day..
Snap outta it.....and carry on your life...
Nothing is permanent...Nothing...and i mean it be it joys or sorrows...
they are just a passing phase...
if a person has been sent into your life...
savour their precense..and enjoy their friendship till they last...
and if they decide to walk out...
don't take it to heart...it...
Just means...it's the will of the Universe...
That there is no use for them in your cycle of life...
or should i say it's not in your karma to suffer because of them...they just don't deserve you dude!!!!
and i am not only saying this for guys...I mean the same holds...true for Girls...too..
Come on everyone says we are the weaker sex...and i don't hink it holds good today when we women are leading in every field...and every sphere..of life...
So ladies and gentlemen....I say don't waste your time on some piece of shit...that you wouldnt bring home to your mom...
Wake Up and Smell the Breeze...
You have a long ways to go...Guys and Gals........
You are the future of this wonderful Country...
So focus on giving your best to the world..even if it kicks you in the stomach!!!
Mountains to climb...and miles to go...
Love is like a bird...if you let it..free...and comes back to you...It was yours...
But if it never does...It Never was meant to be!!!
Keep Smiling... :)


Anonymous said…
hey guyzzzzzz this blog is perfect panacea for all those who feel they are let down in life due of girls or boyzzzzz. the only way to come out of this trauma is not to be emotional and understand that fact that if u miss one bus, there is always another that is waiting to pick uuuuuuuuu . u have just met 1% of the total population on this earth and there are lot more.........
This is me said…
u know, ur blog makes a lot of sense!! carry on with life etc etc..but u know what?? it's so much easier said than done!! but every time u see that person, or u hear that person's name mentioned, ur heart does a flip-flopp & ur back again feeling sorry for yourself!!
nila said…
but am not sure..i flip flop when i hear tat jerk's name...lol.. :)

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