Waiting for you..????????

Life changes every day,every minute....
there are meetings,reunions and seperations....
There are some things and some people who come into your life...
Some stay on...Some leave either by seperation,or death...
But how come I am still waiting for you....

Why can't you understand...the pain refuses to go away.....
Life isn't the same.....without you....
Life isn't the game that we played,it's a serious commitment...
and I miss you being there..with me in every step....

You never seemed to totally decipher my love for you...
You never seemed to care...
But how come I am still waiting for you....
Life isn't the same without you...

I can still feel your touch,and see you smile in my dreams...
Why is it that you had to go away...leaving me in the darkness...
Why can't you love me as before....
You never understood the depth of my love for you...
You never seemed to care....
But how come I am still waiting for you?


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