Smile,Heal and Let Go

Life is not supposed to be painful..
It is meant to be enjoyed,Life shouldn't be a struggle..
It becomes one when,We tend to hold on to things that aren't
meant to be...
A Lost Love,A overlooked Promotion,Back-stabbing friend...
These things hold you back and don't ever let you progress..
The resentment in your heart grows and grows bigger and bigger,
till it really has created a vacuum in you heart,that seems like a deep pit,
That no one can really fill except you...
Believe me once you have learnt to accept things and move on....
You will see things clearly....much more than you saw....before...
Life isn't so hard,we make it so...
So smile and start to seeing the broader perpective.....
You will Love again,find a new job,get another promotion...make new friends...
Till then just relax,sit back and reflect on your life...and take it easy....
Healing is a major process in you well-being...and it's better,that that
starts much sooner..otherwise the Gap in your heart will eat your peace...
Time will reveal it's purpose...


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