Life...Is Changing...Slowly...

Have you ever had the feeling...
Life..was constant ...and never changing...
thats cos you remain in the same place,and refuse to change yourself...
Life for me was so boring...past few months...
and the boredom refused to go away...
I kept moping and hemming and hawing...that Life isn't interesting...
Till I went out there and started living it..Up..
See Life doesn't change...
It's just your attitude towards it..that undergoes a transformation...
I decided to stop crying over spilt milk...and feeling sorry that I didn't have friends..
There aren't many people who can miss my charm and friendliness...
and say no to me...
Then there are some hard nuts who take ages to admit they like me
and would love to be my friend...
One such case I encountered...recently...
We were at loggerheads...fighting....and getting into each other's paths....
Now things are cooled off...and We are good friends....
We two now when I think of it..have both have lot in common...
Both have had painful experiences in the past,and are scared to make a new relationship..
let alone a new commitment...
But one has to believe...and We can't stop trusting...someone new...
Just because we have been betrayed before....
We are both shy and introverted...and have the same hobbies...and likes...
There are countless things that we can say have brought us together...
But...I love the karma bit....
But then there are many things that bring people together...
Sometimes it is Fate and then sometimes...We have to nudge the person along...
I believe everything happens for a reason.....
Maybe this relationship will grow into a life-long...everlasting bond...
You can call it...Friendship...
or that very thin...line that seperates...Love and Friendship...
It's so surprising that someone can walk into your life,and ultimately
become your whole life....
You wait to speak to them,hear their stories,maybe spend a little time with them..
It's then you realise how important they have become...
Whatever it is....I am thankful to god for sending me such a nice person..
into my life...and I cherish their precense...