What is Life...

Life is the same old routine...
same job,same colleagues,same ICICI Velachery..
Nothing ever changes ...does it...
Life seems to have lost it's spark and seems to have not much meaning...
The Festival of Lights is just around the corner..and yet It holds no meaning...
The emptiness and the loneliness...seems to continue inside of me...
I have my lovely mom and dad,still something seems missing..
I can't put my finger on it..but it's amiss...
I try to keep myself busy in work,and listening to music...
I try to make friends however difficult it is...
Meet new people..read new books......
There is always something..my eyes search..
What is it....and why am I unable to pinpoint it...
but the pain refuses to go away......
Maybe it's the failed engagement in March or the failed marriage alliances...
or is the fact that I am just growing old...
I think only god can answer my questions...
and I wonder why he's taking so long..to come up with an good answer...


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