Have you ever had a feeling...?????????

Have you ever had a feeling that enough is enough...

Life isn't fair,or life isn't going
the way it is supposed to be...
Life isn't supposed to go your way...my dear...Life takes it's own course...
Life isn't fair...It isn't bad either....

It's the way you take it...
Smile and grin and bear it...
Hold on for a little longer....
Life will show it's wonderful as you want it..to be...

I have been fortunate to have enjoyed so many lovely years of my life...
I have wonderful parents,a lovely brother and a cute dog who hasn't left my side
past 16 years...
I have enjoyed my childhood as and when Dad was in the navy,
Have travelled the world....
Been to beautiful places like Mumbai,Delhi and Singapore and New Zealand....
Thanks to dad...
Being a defence kid has it's benefits,we can adjust anywhere in the world....
We can outshine anyone....
We can definately do much better than the other person can..
It makes us Independent...and makes us responsible....
But with such great responsbility also gives you great power,and gives you a big mouth...
Cos we call a spade a spade,and don't mince words....
Thats why the whole world doesn't like us so much....
But then I am not here to prove a point to anyone...
I am here to prove for myself...
I want to make a mark in this world...and make a difference....


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