Emotional Attachment-Boon or Bane

Emotional attachment to worldly things....
Even to persons are the gravest and the ultimate mistake we make in our lives....Whenever we are in a relationship,be it with friends or family members,we tend to make a bond which we feel with each other .
We expect the relationship to stand the test of time and we expect to grow and mature in that so
called relationships......
Then how come we become so emotionally attached and involved into one and another,that we tend to cling to the bonds when they may not exist so clearly and we tend to hold on in the fear that the bonds may break????????
Emotional attachment gives us a sense of togetherness and makes us feel that we are not alone in this big bad...world,that we are close to someone who makes us feel happy,that someone worries that we don't come home in time......someone is waiting for us for dinner.....
There's always someone who you can pinpoint in your life like that,it can be a father,a mother,a friend....a lover....
Then why do we say it's a bane, a curse as good as it is required for our emotional well-being????
I never said it's wrong,its just that being too emotionally attached to another person,blinds us to
their needs or tends to ideolise them,when even the other person is just another normal human being like you and me.....He or She has their own faults,problems,and is not perfect....
We tend to live in the false impression,that the other person is responsible for our happiness....
When...actually we can create our own happiness.....Thats the only way we can achieve mental
peace and happiness within ourselves.....


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