Life has adjusted itself....

My Life is as normal as anyone else's .......
I am a normal indian girl with hopes and stars in the eyes...
Though many a dream has been shattered...many a times I have strived for ...things beyond reach....
There are many times I have wanted to cry....Why me...Why am I the only one suffering....
Then I see an homeless man on the road,a handless girl walking to work...a blind man crossing the road...and it's then when I stop griping....
and get on with my life......
You see I am much more blessed and much more luckier than the street kids...
I have a home,a family,a dog and a pair of goldfish abeit the fish died recently..................
But....What more can one ask for...
Aaah, what I want today at this point of time....I want someone to come and sweep me
off my feet,and care for me day in and day out...though this kinda of stuff..only exists in fairytales....
But a girl can sure wish can't she.........
Enjoy every day as it's never going to come...back...once lost ...gone will be yesterday's would pass you by so enjoy every moment....breathe the life...the energy....
and make the best of every day....Live your life...