Anger Management

Anger is one of the most destructive forces in the destroys relationships...
friendships and makes your life a hell to live in....

I have exprienced anger in many forms and many ways,I have experienced in my friends,
family and within myself...and ultimately realised that it yields nothing...but takes a lot away
from you!!!

You lose your sleep over a wrongdoing someone did to you,a promise not fulfilled,a job not done...
and help not given in time...and you brew that anger within your body and believe me it's not
a healthy sign....

These feelings buld over time and come out in many other ways as illnesses,heart attacks and
nervous breakdowns...

Take my word..I have suffered many a time,for my anger and have paid dearly for it...
I was unbearable,and soft-tempered,but over the past few months have slowed my motor-mouth and let other's speak,I don't retaliate immediately ...but do so over time.....

I have lost a few friends,loved one's and rubbed shoulders with bosses over time...
but now that I have learnt to control my anger and use it in a more constructive way,
things are showing results.......................

I am able to focus more and plan ahead......
and I am able to achieve more goals...but long-term and short-term...
So you see as the Great Buddha once said
" Anger is like a hot burns the hand that holds it and also the person who you throw it on.."

So be cool...learn to take life as it comes...Daddy always says's only now that the meaning seems clearer...........


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