Some new friends...some old...

The past one year from last April to this April,well...
I have made so many accquaintances and friends...
that I sometimes lose I abhor..cos they are
wasters after your body or after your money...especially those
young guns...who are just starting up in life....they just want to have
a free ride...I am fed up of all these second class treatment...
I want a real Man who can stand up for me,protect me,care for me 
and be loving towards me in every way...
Hopefully I am going to be there to totally support him in every way,
that is possible by me.........
I haven't yet found such  "prince charming" not that 
he exists....but then a girl can sure hope for the best.....till then...
am enjoying the have-been's and maybe not....guys.....hehehehe
I have made many pals,and one of them is Radhika,she also calls a spade a spade,
and is a lot like me...she hates hypocrites and brings people down to earth if they mess
with her...I admire her a lot...cos I am in many ways  like her....
Even I was hot-headed and short have 
started to take things cooly....with a smile...not that I forgive people
who mess with me...I give it in their own time......
No forgive...and's sure forgive for a little time..
then wham bham.....dishum dishum
Smile....................... :)


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