Another False Start...

Another Day...again a false beginnning..!!!
Mom had seen a so called engineer,
for me and we are all pumped up
to meeting him,then on the last minute,they say nopes...
the boy wants to work in Haryana...
and isn't coming down south for next 2 years...
Wooosh...again my dreams get squashed and broken down to pulp...
Come on..why is it..that We girl's have to be to only one's to give up
a job or get a transfer to accomadate the boy's will? 
Huh Huh? Isn't the girl's career of any importance...?
Are we just made to marry,and have kids and play house-house?
I don't feel that is my goal in life...I mean that I do want to marry,
have a husband...have children and set up a home...
But not at the cost of my career and definately I am never going to give up my job...!!
No sire' never in the 100 years...come on ..
Daddy has finally managed to made me stand up on my two little 
princess feet and face the world..
and I am not going to give that all up just for any Man....
Find me a man,who's worth giving it all up,then I will eat my words............


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