Some People...never change...

How is it that we expect some people to change...and that too...overnight...
They will remain stubborn,hypocites...and rigid in their views...
I hate someone who can't change for me...and wishes always I have to adjust for them...
It can be anyone or even closest of my circle...
Well all my friends know my true nature...and respect that...They respect my individuality 
and try to adjust to my routine...I agree one shouldn't have a strong opinion and should
also try to think out of the box,and try to see things from the other person's point of view...
But then how can we live life ....always living in the fear of judgement of others....
When can we come out of that constant fear of being perfect....and always waiting for acceptance
and hoping that we would be understood...Come on...!!!!!!!!!! Hogwash!
Any Man who says he wants things only his way and wants you to change for him...always...
and won't even bend to you for a simple thing like taking to you....and asking your well-being......
and always wants to feel important and be the center of attention.....
Well,is my opinion....a MCP... A Male Chauvanist....
They want to appear macho...and still control their wives,girlfriends....and sisters.....
They don't want a woman to express her opinion.....freely...and if she does so...
She is made to shut up.....We shouldn't have feelings...and if we show that we...are
sentimental and emotional females....oh...Come on...
It's International Women's Day...Atleast wake up now...and realise girls.
Let us try to create our own man is going to provide you that...
Men are always self-centered.......cos they always want to be babied and 
treated like kings....Coco said :Men are like children,and if you understood...that ..
all is understood...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here's to more women's rights...both in the bedroom and the boardroom...
where ever we may be ..We want to be heard,understood....romanced,cared,respected...
and loved...and If a Man can't do that....Sorry have no chance...
Happy Women's Day...Jai ho...!!


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