Qualities of a Ideal Man...Ummm...Mine..??

Qualities of Mr Right!!! 

Aaaaaaaaaah Mr.Right...


does he evn exsist?

well then lets list the 10 imp points..that he should have...

1.He should be tall....around 5.5" to 6 feet...is kool...no shorties...plz...coz u know....Tall...guys...are well..more genetically fertile...hehehehe...gotta have good genes...

2.He should have a good sense of humour...after all life is too short to be serious...rite?

3.Hmmm...he should be intelligent...and able to make good conversations....

4.He should have a gentle dispositon...and be able to take life as it comes..

and when i am in my down...moods...in the dumps...help me by simply supportin me ....holding my hand...and comforting...me

5.He should respect me...and my individuality....coz i love freedom of my own expression...and don't like anyone imposing their idea on me...

6.He should be safe stable and secure in his career and be goal oriented...only then he can be sure of where he is going...

7.He should share my passion for animals, music...and aah...many more things...

8.He should be Smart...as in Well-Bred....and Immaculate Manners,after al what is life with etiquette...???

9.He could be Handsome....not that looks...maketh a Man..but he has to be presentable enough to bring home to My Parent's...

10.And...Finally he should make a lot of money..enuf for the both of us...so that even in the hard times...we don't have to struggle to make ends...meet...


WritingsForLife said…
cool cool..
good luck :-)
Good to have you back!
Anonymous said…
Intresting!! Good choice!!

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