A Mother's Love...

A Woman is always someone's mother,someone's sister....someone's lover...
She is ever adaptable...ever caring...and ever lasting.....
When I was born,it was a woman who held my little hand and cradled me in her warmth...
As I grew she,held my tiny finger and made me learn to walk...
She spent countless hours reading the alphabet and trying to make me speak.....
As I walked and stumbled...she rushed to my side ....to pick me up and go on...
Through the years....My mother has always been a support and a constant guidance...to me...
Though many a time,I never listened to her advice...which in turn were invariably right.....
She said never let anyone take advantage of you...you are innocent my child ......
I believed that,I was the greatest...and no one can harm...me....But then...I went..out into the world...
and got kicked in my face.....It was then I realised that once I left the strong protected arms
of my mom,the big bad world was ready to eat me...up...
I was cheated,used and hurt in many ways....and I gained a lot of perspective.....of how
the world runs...and I finally gave up fighting with Ma and decided to learn to hear
her.....speak....Nowadays everything..she says makes sense and I sometimes do
follow...whatever she says..........Maybe I have learnt to listen...more carefully.... :)