Life's Lessons..Well Learnt...
Another day...Another birthday......Another date forgotten in the calander...
Life teaches you many things...
Sometimes nice...sometimes....not so nice.....
Life has some strange ways of making you grow up...
Some ways may be so hurting to your heart and soul,that you wish that life could be better.
Believe me...I have seen such things happening to others and experienced it myself..
Life has kicked me hard..dumped me into the garbage bin...and,
wonder of wonders I have always somehow managed to bounce back....
Thats the reselience of my spirit...
One moment I have nothing....and the next moment....Hmmmm....
Basically.....Life is what you make it to be..
Its as wonderful or as distressful as we tend to believe it will be...
Start living everyday as if it is your final day.....every minute as your last breath,
and then you will begin to see the difference......
My view of life has undergone a lot of changes...
I have begun to believe there's no gold pot at the end of the rainbow...
no ideal "prince charming",waiting to take me into his arms...Its all non Life is...Life is nothing.....
Life is a ongoing book..every day we write a page....and as we grow and move ahead,
We add more stories and experiences....
Our friends and accquaintances become characters
of our book of life....and we gather rich tapestries of memories.......
In this past so many years I have never felt so alive and full of joy..
Maybe because today I live for nothing...and expect nothing much....
Just a cup to tea,a simple meal...and a bed to sleep.....
and finally god's arms to embrace me in my final breath...