What a Great Holiday...!!

Hiya...Am back after a great holiday at my Grandparents...Wow...what a wonderful time I had..
Enjoyed to the max....was fussed over,cuddled...and cared for past four days....and it was a nice experience to have some elders who we could spend time...with...After all time waits for no one...and God knows what will happen to us and them in future...
We want them to be everlasting...and permanent....If only God would allow us that Privilage...??
It feels so nice to have grandparents who dote on you...and give you unconditional love....
Where do we get such Love nowadays...it doesn't exist.......
I really had a lot of fun after a very long...time...and my sweetheart cousins were there...and We had a blast...of course Pluto was a big buffoon...and also wanted all the attention...
Overall...Mom and me...had a whale of a time and we are back to good ol' Chennai once
again...and there starts our routines once again...and though I go back to work only on Monday...
the time starts ticking....now....and oh yeah Lucky is still happy at her holiday home,and refuses to come back.....
Life.....goes on...


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