Marriage isn't going to be a easy ride...

Lets see...the topic that I have chosen is a well-debated subject and is mostly unexplained...
Ultimately Marriage is a Mystery...
which no one can solve...and it is a constant journey....
As scientists always know it is highly unnatural for two people to be living together 
in the same space,and stepping on each other's toes.... people would be sharing much more than
living would be total mind,body and soul......
Hmm....wonder how it is going to be...many say We have to make a lot of adjustments and give in a lot to the other person.....
I feel that love and forgiveness that the other person is only a human are enough 
to see you through.....Life will automatically adjust itself.....
I suggest going into marriage with an open mind,with no delusions....and definately no hallucinations......
Just spend your time savouring every moment and soaking in the sweetness of married life....
after all when the "Honeymoon" phase is over...reality will hit you like a ton of bricks.......
till then......Smile and enjoy....


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