ahoy...sailor..the horizon is in view...

hmmm..wats the horizon...umm..lemme c..i want a look..
aha..nopes..it's not there..it's a distant..dream..and i can't see..it..
just when i thought i had..reached the pinnacle..of my life..where everything was falling in place..proffessional..and personal...my entire life came crashing down..and i am not kidding....i meant literally crashing...so..much so...that i got into a deep..rut..and that i don't care..abt life..and all..attitude.."I hate all men.." that was revisited..and yadadadadada..
Hmmmmm...i just don't learn from my mistakes do..I? oh well..the more mistakes we make is good..it's ultimately a good lesson for us..Though it isn't great to get your fingers..burned in the Fire..inspite of your parent's telling you not to touch it..But then...Do we listen..Nopes...We don't ..and we end up with Second Degree...Burns!!!
Oh well...Neways...Now I am a New..Stonger Version..of me...Brand..new..
Got a new Job..and a new Attitude...
Hmmm...lets..C..how long..it lasts..Ummm...I meant my Attitude...hehhehe!!!


Prince K. said…
Nice to see and hear that.....
Oh, do you like Star Wars {.....}
nila said…
yayaya..i love star wars..not the whole trilogy..but sum ones..have seen only one actually...
Prince K. said…
See All 6!!!!!!
BTW, it'll be nice to come to my blog and comment... because I can't confirm if you have replied or not.
{Its just a request...}
So how be you?

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