Yayaya..Yipeee...I finally taking decisions!!!!!

I have finally decided to get up and smell..the roses?
Atleast am not wasting time and smellin the pansies...
I have finally decided to get on with my life..
and move on..
Lets..c...wat i have on my list...
Am ..workin on settin up a clinic...
and all..near to velachery..
or mayb buyin..sum other clinic..
within the city.. :)
Aha..I spoke to kamlesh,cos his clinic is also..
avail for lease..hehe
Well...we all have to settle down some time..
and if we reach a certain stage of maturity...
we..will understand the need to slow..down..
and plan life..as..the future is where you are gonna..live..
The past is past..and is mean to be forgotten..
oh so many reasons..
Cos many reasons..hehe..
Well..i have told my best friend..
to see a place..and get back to me..soon...
lets c..if he does that..well.he will..he will..
it's only a matter of time.. ;)
Then..am workin on another..matter..
and that..is..hmmm....
I guess..i need..sum time to hear myself..out..
and work..out what i actually want from life..
and who i want to share..my life..with...
They..say never rush into..a bond which you can't keep...
and i used to wonder what that..means..Until..now..
I wonder what it is abt commitment..
that scares the pants off..me?
Mayb am scared to be in a bond of a lifetime?
or am i just..scared to take risks?
Hmmm...lets..c..how things..go..
and if...sum one special..
also echoes..my feelings..and ..
Am..just lying..in the shadows..and enjoyin his..company...
and the fact that he takes..time..for..me..
and The fact that he's always..there..for me..
Is..enuf or me..at the time..being..
aaaaaaaaaaah..well..y even yest..we spoke..
and as usual..my best friend..was..busy...hehe
but then he took..time...to hear all my silly chatter..
hehehe...now..now...."Actions.. speak louder than words"
Don't you think so?
Ummmm...though we both haven't said a word..to each other..
We..both..know..and understand..the unsaid..meanings..
But it's the small things..he does that makes me feel..special..
and Hope he knows..the things..
i do to...make him feel..
that he's the most special guy in my life.. :)
Well...he knows..that..doesn't he??????????????????
he better..open up..
and tell me wats actually going on?
Between us..come on..we can't be just friends...
We are like a never ending..story.. :)