Well..it's three..months..since my birthday!!!

It's May..it's May....
hehe..and i got over the spring..fever..of my birthday..
and now..i guess..
it's borin..summer in chennai..
And of god!! y doesn't rain? here?????????
Isn't it too..HOTTT?????????????
come on..gimme sum rain...lets..all..do a ancient witch..tribal..dance..
and stand in a circle..and pray for rain..
apadiyachu chennai'le malzhai varuma?
heehehhe..Well..the monsoon is suppossed to cross..over us..
on so and so..date ie 22nd may to be exact..errr...
then lets..c if...the silly Lord Indra..take pity on Us..poor Chennaites!!
Hmmm...apart from tat..it's been three..months..
since i turned a year older..
and lets..see..what i have achieved in this..past 3 months?
Aaaaaaaah..Well..i moved off my lazy butt..and got myself..a job..
and refused to let circumstances..at home..prevent me from working..
And now that i am workin..i work 12 hours...
a day..hmm..and well..it's a little hectic..
But..i guess...it had to be that..way..
I needed some thing..to to..and get over..
all the past wounds..that..i had..
I just needed..work..to help me get over stuff...
and Boy is it working it's magic..
oooh..well..it is..
I am much more..clear-headed..
and more ...happier..now..
I am more..Responsible..and more...Goal-Oriented...
Hmm..........and oh..i have turned over a new leaf..
with mom..at home..
and things...are back..to normal..
We both have gone back to being..Best Friends...
But then my future..isn't very clear..
Should i do what i am doin? or should i stop and wait for the bigger picture..
It's all..a faint ray of light..in the deep end of my line of sight..
and i guess...as I feel that...i am closing into my goal..
It just shifts..even further!!! :)
For Now..I am taking Life,Work...and Love..as they come..
And i hope...Things..work..out..


nila said…
aww...come on..have sum respite..
on me!! :)

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