Friends...or Family..Who do you choose???????

wat comes to ur mind when u think..good ol' mom and dad...a sneaky brother...and a sis...and oh yea...grandma ...grandpa..
so wat makes us love them..and wat makes us loathe them...
wat evea...dears..ur stuck with them for life...
god gives...ur friends...atleast in some part our life...
we have the freedom to choose...our own circle...
Gosh i thought family means...
sharing..caring..and being there..for one and good times..and bad times...
Well..know wat..u can share and care with ur friends..too..
and they will be more understanding..and caring..towards...u..
and listen with a impartial..ear..and lend u advice only when u aske for it...not like... ur family who keeps advicing u 24/7..and putting u down..when u fail...
friends..become much more than ur family and you care for them more than you do for ur own..self....
thats when u become a selfless..human being..taking joy in giving..than in receiving..things...
people talk abt unconditional love..well..
i believe there are only two..people who can give
one is ur "mom" and one is ur best friend...
or mayb ur ur lucky to have more than one.. :)
Thats wat friendship is all abt..
Rejoice..Cos "Friends..are God's Angels."..
Who have been sent to protect us..
and watch over us..when we do wrong..
and smile and support us..when we do right..and pat us on the back and..say way to go mate!!!! :) friendship...
Basically as i see in our traditions, Family becomes more of a commanding authority rather than a loving authority as days go by. We indeed yearn for love very much only when we are grown up as we know what we want.
And sometimes it goes beyond the extent that, Family tries to curtail our careers and ambitiions in the name of pride and Sentiments..A Complete vanity fair waits each of us down our lives..
But indeed, it is friends who we resort to get out of these difficult situations..
Well said mate..
A Casual post but its a deep trench of endless discussions..
and thanks for ur meaningful comments..'s refreshin to c some good ideas..
and franly i my life..experience..friends..have saved me a lot..and helped me whenever i wanted help...
God bless..them..