Friends...Are..For Lifetime..

Who do we call as a friend?
is it..someone..who we share
or someone..we care?
Who do we call..
when we need someone..there..??????????
Someone who will not...
make a fuss..when u call..up 3AM in the morning...
When you just can't sleep and need someone to talk...???????
and mayb just discuss..
the weather in london..or the rain in spain???????
Someone..who shares your dreams...
and worries..whether you would get there...
and Reach the Stars...
A Friend is also someone..who is there..
to give you a push when ur down...
and says....go on give ur your best shot..
and there right behind you if you fall..........
Someone..who stands..
by you no matter..wat the world..says..
No matter if you in the wrong..
they still refuse to leave ur side...
Who do we call as a Friend???????????
Someone who Shows you the right path..
when you are in the wrong...
Someone who now...
Buddy this is the Real deal...
Someone..who says..well..
i don't care a damn..wat u think..
But Still dear...friend...
You all messed up..and ur WRONG!!!!
Who do we call a Friend??????? this material world..and era of..Internet..
Where Human relations have gone to the dogs....
There is still one wonderful relation ...
There is still hope for Us.............
Cos..Friendship...still Survives...
True friendships transcend time...and Distance..
and makes...Hearts grow fonder...
Life..becomes..beautiful when you have found a friend...
It becomes...Worth..Living...
If you haven't had a friend...
You are no one...
No matter watever have...
None..can replace...the Value of a Wonderful friend...
Friendship is the meaning..and the cause...
It is the truth of life that will be and Always was....
Friendship makes us..laugh and smile...
and oh does make us cry...
But then It's ulimately there...
Giving us a Ray of Hope..
In this mad,
So....who can...we call a
And i hope that you can be such a friend to me?????????????
i kinda wrote tat myself.. :)