
life is full of memories...some are good...and some are bad....
Some we wished that we can re-live...again...and well...........
some we wished never never happened..
Some people that u met became a part of ur memories...both nice people and the not so..nice one's ....but then they formed an imprint on ur personality......
So how do you think of ur life time memories..???
Can you remember atleast 300 or 500 good this lifetime?
or is it that the bad memories...outnumber the good ones?
If so then i guess it's all in ur way of lookin at things....and...mayb u chose o have bad letting people use you and in turn u became a victim of sorts!!!!
Memories...are meant to be treasured....and ur heart..and it's any ways...stored in ur subconsious brain...
So even if you don't want to remeber them..they ger resurrected...when ever in present day life you meet...thew same circumstances...and meet with the same life experiences...
So hold on to the lovely memories...that made you laugh...and made you enjoy life and made you feel that life couldn't get any better than this...
It's these...memories..that make us the person that we are today...
Actually memories not so ........good...
also teach us many things...
we can recollect and go back and assess the mistake s that we made...and remember never to repeat them..again...
Memories...of love and life...also give us valuable lessons....
that life isn't all abt u..........
it's abt the whole universe...
and the most importand thing that you can't control.....
is the Free Will Energy that makes the world...go on..
You can't force someone to fall in love with you..when they don't ..
You can't wish for that promotion when you really don't deserve it...
thats wat to carry on..with our life...
Memories...are like...story books...
which if..we have we can read them again....and again...
But the only....thing we should remember that we should not....hold on to our past.memories...for too long...if they come into our daily lives...and don't help moving....on...


Kavitha Jay said…
hey..good post...
dont let todays disapointments cast a shadow on tommorows dreams..:)
nila said…

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