How to marry the Man of your dreams.... a helpline..
for all u kiddo's who are on the lookout for Mr.Right..
Well...lets i have already said before...
He just doesnt exsist...Hahaha..
No no...there are many wonderful men out there...
But the sad..part is either they are married or they already have a girlfriend...
Ohh....shucks..wouldn't nice..if life came with a manual..
on "How to hook that eligible bachelor..." Then we all would be much better off..
C is not nice at all..and all good things...don't come on a platter..
Well...guess wat we ...gotta accept...
life as it..comes...
Suppose you are not born with the Sliver Spoon...
then wat do u do? All of us..deep down in some corner of our hearts..Wish to have prince charming...come on a horse and sweep us off..our feet...
aha..well..thats...not gonna happen honey..
Unless..ur urself..Royal Blood...Muchkins..
All...the cute...guys..who have the charm..and wit..and of course wud fit ur description of Mr.Right...would be kind enuf to seek out..poor u...Aha..
Like that is gonna happen in A million years...
Keep on wishin.. not bein...sarcastic...
am being practical..babes...
Life isn't all...Point No1..and Point No2...
It's abt..well...
we all make our choices based upon wat life throws us...
But all i gotta say whoever is ur guy is or potential have just gotta work on him..and turn him into the GR8...Mr.Prince Charming.....cos we are all humans..and we all can't be ..British Royalty...
Well...thats a bad..example..cos Princess Diana..and Charles...Completely shattered the Myth of living happyily with Ur so..called Prince...!!!!!!!!!
Wt say? gals?
So all i say be day ur time will come..and you will a Phoenix.
Just remember to wat eva..Life
cos..most of the times it's the "Curve balls" that may hit Home runs...


Anonymous said…
hey Nila yaar
its Kate!!
SUP..well hahahaha I'm leaving a comment!!
nice write up.. keep it up..
thanx a lot for those advises.... very cooly written i must say ;) so i guess girls should stop searching their Mr.Right coz he dont exist!!!!!!
nila said…
yayaya..he doesn't
ask me i know.. :)

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