First...Love.....or's the Same....!!!

Does it really matter if it is the first or second long as you have found the one who you think is you "soulmate" ...
Dont live...every day as it comes...
Love in the initial stages is like a tender's so delicate...with it's tiny petals...that in the initial rush we all... tend to overdo it..and obsess..
Take care...and don't crush's very valuable...that god has chosen someone for you and that special person has come into ur life....
Dont let him/her go....
don't suffocate ur needs...or possesiveness...
Give them time...and the necessary space....and let them just be..themselves...
Girls.....come on..i know u have sighed that u can't understand a guy's mind..oh well...Even i can't ...till today get thru my brother or dad...
so ur special Man....isn't goin to be easy to get thru...
He is like a him....his space...and let go...
he will......i repeat he will bounce back more lovin and carin than before...
till then just breathe.....girl..........
we all have..been there...done that...
so you are not alone....!!!


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