Dog's are Man's Best Friends...

Ever wondered why that phrase came about to be?
that dogs...are a Man's best friend?
well..i could haven't agreed better to who ever has written that...
They must be truely dog lovers...I say..
Life is so wonderful twhen a dog comes into your life...
Believe me....i know...
Lucky walked into our hearts some 12 years ago in a dusty flat in Vasant kunj in New Delhi....
We had been begging Dad for a Dog for a long long....time...
We had lost our first dog Sweetie some many years ago,
and dad was skeptical abt bringing another dog home...
But then fate has it's won..strange ways...
Dad saw the Ad for adoption of a dog in the Sunday newspaper....
and off we went to bring home ...a dog !!!!
Not knowing wat kinda dog we were going to pick up...
Well..then as we met lucky...a daschund...mix breed....
Our hearts melted just looking into her beautiful limpid..eyes....
She also came and jumped on Mom's lap and hid in her sari...and it was then we decided that lucky has come to Stay.....
I guess...Lucky was sent to us..for a reason...
Our family is ne ways...a gr8 lover of Animals...
Well...we had a mini home...complete with Rabbits,pigeons,parrots...and squirrels...all adopted us if course...
Hmmm..........back to lucky doodle...
She was as usual the same "I don't care a damn abt the world"
And that worked well..enuf...
till she refused to be trained in Obedience...
Well..the simple commands...Sit and Stand...i guess..she learned to keep me happy..
But then that was it...
Rest was watever she felt like doing..she followed...
She came to us..when I was in 11th grade....
and has been with us ever ..since...
Now that i have Graduated from College too...
she doesn't know the difference...and she doesn't care...
Am always...her Nila didi and Bro will her Vignesh Bhaiya...
U c...she think's she a family member...
a Manian like all of us...and you can't blame her..
Coz...I have spoilt her to the core....with all my love...and care...and in turn she's given me love and companionship unconditionally....
Thats Why i say she's my bestest friend...
even though i have many human friends...too..but in Lucky i have a matter if i grow up..or am rich or poor...
all that makes no difference to her...
She just wants a hug...or a kiss...or love...
all that i can give....
So..thats all that her life is made up of...
Dogs make u understand that life is indeed so simple as in the passing cars....and barking at ur hearts...content...
and simply seeing life..going by...
Be urself....and the world..will love you in return...
Don't try to Impress anyone except the one's that truely Love you and care for u...
thats your family and friends...of course...
No one else is happy when ur happy and sad when ur sad...
It's like when u laugh the world laughs with u...and when u cry...u cry alone...
No one else is worthy of Ur time....
Thats what's Lucky's philosophy of Life is...
and I hope that i can make it...mine too...


nila said…
thanks for ur comments Raz...
i can understand y..ur friend cried a lot...when she lost her dog....
even i did when i lost sweety to rabies...

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