Friends are Life's Great treasures...

Friends..all that we need for living in this hostile world..Imagine if you are all alone on a deserted island..would you want..
.a beautiful girl...or a helpin get you out of the mess...???????????
Thats what i mean....My life..was..boring...before 2006,i was gettin bored with life..and not knowing what to do..then my brother introduced me to orkut..and voilaa!!!
i logged in and made a move in befriendin people who i didn't know before..and my friendship a 100 people i dint know face to face..each leading their own lives,and then i am doin the same thing too...
well..i made a lot of kool friends..there..I also like Abhishek Bachchan..Yah Yah,the great New Thing on the block..Lets C ..well..Abhi's rise to fame has not been a bed of roses,it has been a long and troubled road...after 13 flops,he came clean.and the Movie Bluffmaster..and suddenly he's hailed as the Next Entertainer..the New Superstar....
well,i believe it's nice orkuttin only i wonder if i can keep it goin after i go to new zealand,and no access to the internet..Then what am Well..i guess that there was life before the Internet rite? then how did we keep our selves busy?? Watching TV and listening to music..Aaah those were the lovely good old days when i was in High School in Delhi......My life has changed a lot since i came to orkut....So,I can't be far from wrong..,no matter what everyone have just without some thrill and excitement?


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