
I was Isolated...

 My story ..because I never had good friends... i was isolated..dont remember any memories of hostel i cherish food or trees...because I never had a close friend probably I wasn't in any group i was bullied in my school ,college,workplace (many  male dentist tried to take advantage of me) and after marriage again no positive experience except my loving husband... so it's not only college....i am a introvert and very sensitive person..but thats how I am...but but it makes me creative and study hard i love my emotional side..and i dont regret who I am😊

Gardening in a High Rise Balcony


Oh Toronto Love

Oh..Toronto..where do I begin ...when do I say I love you ? We moved here in July 2018,from USA. It was a major culture shock after living in the States,for 6 years, Well moving here was a great big change!! We were used to the American way,and now we had to get used to the Canadian way! I really love living here,after slowly moving into this beautiful city we now call Home. Lot has happened in this past two years ... We tried two IVF cycles and that didn't work out. We both mourned and I cried ...and cried ...But then slowly snapped out of it. and went to the CNE the Canadian National Exibition. then I ended up with Chronic Kidney disease due to the IVF medications. Toby was really shocked and upset moving to the big city after living in serene apartments. He was so scared of the elevators and the noisy streets.He refused to go for a walk initially, now after two years he has slowly adjusted and love his daily walks around the block and Rosedale. Toby also fell sick a lot in 2019,...

Toby in the Lockdown and having fun as Spring has sprung....

Toby well my dearest Jack Russell takes naps and stay at home very seriously. He is very well adjusted to the recent Covid19 Lockdown  or Stay at home called here in Canada. He is a fighter and a globe trotter anyways so these situations aren't new to dear Tobs. He loves snuggling under the covers,  and sleeping in on rainy days like today and doesn't' want to go out if it rains because it wets his paws and he doesn't like it very much. Toby is a very stubborn,opinionated JRT and he has a mind of his own. Even though I can still try to assert I am his boss.. Utltimately he is the "Boss of the House". He rules the House rountines,the comings and goings, and guests are screened with his nose security. No hand washing not allowed into the house.It's Toby's rules!!! We meet his Girlfriend a two year old Shitzu sometimes, when we go down from or apartment for a walk. So Tobs says mom it's ...

Toby Baby has changed us...

I had been aching to have a dog ever since I took care of good old Toby... Well the elder one who was 14 years old.He was a sweetheart little dog who walked into our hearts and moved in so to speak into our home at Camden. Long story short sometime around our Anniversary in September last year, Ganesh finally agreed to search for a dog,well it was just search at first.... But then I was too excited that he even agreed to think about it... I couldn't sleep,I started thinking of dog breeds and researching where to get a dog. We even asked Kathy for a few tips... On our Anniversary 2nd September,after watching a movie in AMC, we stopped by a pet store and enquired about Pet Adoptions,unfortunately since it was a Wednesday there weren't any adoptions that day... But then we decided to come back on Saturday.. So on one fine Saturday morning,we got up and began our search for our little ball of Fluff!!! We first started with the local ASPCA in Lake Mary, we so so man...

Feeling helpless

Feeling sad and helpless.. Everyone gets pregnant easily...except me,why do I have to suffer.. Every time I hear a pregnancy announcement,my heart breaks into a thousand pieces. If I would have had my child in proper time,my child would be with me right now... I feel sad and depressed...really don't know what to do...

Toby oh Toby!!

Days have passed and summer is on... Our relationship is as always in ups and downs.. We got a much needed boost when we met Toby. Well if you really look closer,you would realize that Toby is a dog!! Well he is actually a dog..ooooh...How much I love dogs everyone knows! We grew up with pets like dogs,rabbits etc over the years. Our childhood was filled with so happy times.. Then over the years things just moved on till we got Lucky... She was a gem of a dog,and no one can replace her.. Well Toby is also like that he's loving,and very caring towards us. He was very quiet and subdued when we first met him... Now he's like mostly living here...taking care of me and spending time. We both are really enjoying his company and we have really made him  feel more than welcome at our home.He is a little kid who loves his treats  and generally loves things dogs love like walks and playing around. Our relationship has become much better as Toby e...