Oh..Toronto..where do I begin ...when do I say I love you ? We moved here in July 2018,from USA. It was a major culture shock after living in the States,for 6 years, Well moving here was a great big change!! We were used to the American way,and now we had to get used to the Canadian way! I really love living here,after slowly moving into this beautiful city we now call Home. Lot has happened in this past two years ... We tried two IVF cycles and that didn't work out. We both mourned and I cried ...and cried ...But then slowly snapped out of it. and went to the CNE the Canadian National Exibition. then I ended up with Chronic Kidney disease due to the IVF medications. Toby was really shocked and upset moving to the big city after living in serene apartments. He was so scared of the elevators and the noisy streets.He refused to go for a walk initially, now after two years he has slowly adjusted and love his daily walks around the block and Rosedale. Toby also fell sick a lot in 2019,...