
Showing posts from February, 2011

Sometimes it's hard to do the right thing....

Sometimes in life,we are always in a dilemma whether the path that we have chosen is correct or wrong... and we never seem to be 100% sure that we are doing the correct thing.... I mean whether it is in Life,Love or Work... How can we be totally sure whatever decision we take is the best and in our own interests... Sometimes we have to give up many things that we held so close to our heart....and move on... Sometimes we have to leave some people mid-way in life and go on to newer people... Such people who we leave behind can be friends or lovers... People who mattered once.... Now don't matter anymore.... How is it that we can be sure when we break up with such persons,that we are doing the correct thing..... Then sometimes we meet people who are totally wrong for you, but yet we feel so much unknowingly attracted to them, that we can't seem to get them out of our minds..... Such people mean something to us... and yet we can't totally have them to ourselves....

That Helpless...Feeling

"Realizes that maybe its not the letting go that tears you apart. It's the holding on. It's not the forgetting, it's the remembering." Have you ever had the feeling that you are trapped in a rut...and life is not moving at your pace...You are forced into circumstances and you just aren't allowed to lead your own life..Your family forces you to accept things that they want...How many times have you said yes to everyone... Done things for people..and never once Someone has done something for you.... When was the last time something nice happened in your life....? For me,that has been ages ago....Life hasn't been very kind to me... Neither have people around me..Everyone just wants their own agenda... People are selfish and mean....No one cares for my feelings or happiness.. I just have to keep on giving and not receive any appreciation in return..... I hate it that I am alone and I have no one to call my own... Maybe thats why my family takes m...